In House
Puppy Training
At BB&G we undertake Fast Track puppy training with each of our puppies before they leave us to go home to their families. For one week, 2 hours a day, Susan from Gem Dog Training will work individually with each of the puppies. Puppies will learn to sit, drop roll over and loose leash walk. Fast Track puppy training provides our puppies with a routine and structure. In the early weeks setting boundaries with your new puppy is imperative. With this additional training puppies going home transition more smoothly to their families. We love the fact our puppies attend our puppy school in their last week with us!
Crate Training
We are firm believers in the benefits of crate training and we will explain this below. When our puppies reach 6 weeks of age it’s time for them to go to their crates at night. By the time puppies go home they will have spent two weeks in their crates and be very used to using their crate as part of their night time routine. What a lot of people don’t know is that crate training is an important part of toilet training your puppy. When puppies are confined to a crate they are not moving around and therefore don’t activate their bladders. This means puppy learns early on to hold their bladder overnight. Before we put puppies to bed we follow a night time routine to prepare them for their crates. We ask all our families to keep up crate training with their puppies until they are fully toilet trained. A crate is also a secure and safe place for your puppy to rest and sleep.